Listers- beginnings and endings community project

A performance, to include music, poetry written specifically for the event, to involve the community, community choirs, local amateur dramatic groups, local bands, people of all ages who can share their stories, schools and youth groups, based on the memories and recollections of those who worked at the Listers factory in Dursley, and to include the hopes and dreams for the future of this market town.

This is an introduction to an amazing new project which is at the very earliest of stages. In order for it to take place we are crowdfunding which commences as this article is being uploaded.

If you can support the project, in however small a way, or would like to contribute, through being interviewed, acting, playing music, helping with recording material etc, please do contact Catherine.

If you can help with funding the project, please go to

The performance of the Listers beginnings and endings project will take place at the Dursley Festival 2016, and will be filmed and recorded and a copy given to the local heritage centre.

Considerable research needs to be undertaken, interviewing those who worked at the Lister Petter factory in Dursley, which would include visiting local old age and nursing homes, community centres and groups, as well as utilising local newspapers, social media etc. Funding is needed to write the project, to include help from professional writers, filming and editing, any equipment required, insurances, administration, costumes, and so on.

The project has developed out of the exhibition of photographs taken as the old Listers factory in Dursley was being demolished at Easter 2015, and those photographs then exhibited at the 2015 Dursley Festival. Visitors were asked to write their memories and recollections of the town when Listers was the main employer, as well as their hopes for the future. The original photographs can be found at clocking-off-dursley-festival-2015

Catherine Jones is the lead artist for this project, although she plans on it being a collaborative one. She is a performance artist, writer and musician. She recently was awarded an MA in Fine Art (distinction) from University of Gloucestershire where her final show included a performance of poetry she had written, live music and dance, and curated food and drink.  She is committed to participatory art practice that has relevance and meaning for all.


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