At last… Inspired by Edward Jenner is truly in the pipeline!

So pleased to have sent out first invitations to participate in exhibition at the Edward Jenner Museum in Berkeley. Am hoping for some really exciting responses to a very beautiful and unusual place and an exceptional person. Details are on my gallery blog:

Private View & Skylarks

It was lovely seeing so many old friends and fellow students yesterday at the private view. Thank you all so much for coming along! So interesting to hear what you think of the wide variety of work on display.


We had a great rehearsal on Tuesday night at the community choir I conduct. Some new faces as well- so a really good strong sound- it’s interesting how having more people singing makes everyone sing better- some psychological effect…. Now we have a week off for half term break, but very much looking forward to returning to the power house that is The Skylarks Community choir. It appears that spirituals suit you! (we’re working on Down by the riverside)

If you’d like to join the choir, there are no auditions, just turn up on a Tuesday 7.15pm at Berkeley Town Hall. We’d love to see you, and are a sociable bunch, who enjoy our tea and cake in the break. Children of junior school age and up, and adults welcome.

Worn out

A stressful, hectic day at the Wilson Gallery preparing our assessment exhibition yesterday. Followed by teaching piano- one student had made amazing progress and is demonstrating such musicality, it’s a joy… and then community choir rehearsal. Disappointing not quite so many people there, although the weather was diabolical- was tail-gated by a Sainsburys van on the A38 on the way home- could hardly see because of the rain, and the wind buffeting the car- so did some left foot breaking to try and put him off. Should I report it…?  Shattered but still work to do- to come up with some titles for my work in the show. I’d already thought of one, but had been deliberately putting off a couple as it’s that commitment thing that I shy away from…  but did it, woke up this morning as if hadn’t slept at all! Black forest chocolate brownies in oven right now to sustain us after crit this afternoon, as we have to plan private view and our MA residency at Meantime in March. No rest for the wicked….

Instead of getting on with my art today, what did I do? Spend the afternoon practising singing! Very inspirational lesson yesterday, I guess it’s a sort of new year resolution (but not the kind that you fail on) to work harder at singing. Children thought I must be teaching and that it was a really good student…. they were shocked when they opened music room door and discovered me….It’s about time they realised their mother actually has some talent! Anyway, time to get back to art now…